
Wiltshire Police – home security survey

Wiltshire Police are asking Wiltshire residents to fill out a questionnaire relating to burglary and home security. The purpose of this is to assess the knowledge residents across Wiltshire have about home security and burglary prevention, and identify any gaps.

Lisa Draper from Wiltshire Police’s Neighbourhood Harm Reduction Unit said: “We would like to understand how we can best support our communities with targeted crime prevention advice. Once we have received the questionnaire results, we will share videos across our social media channels focused on the burglary prevention measures that residents of Wiltshire have less knowledge of, or use less frequently. In doing this, we hope to provide relevant content which helps people protect their homes and prevent them from being a victim of burglary.”

There are eight questions in total ranging from yes/no choice boxes to multiple choice, and there is an opportunity for respondents to share what home security advice they would like from the police. It should take less than five minutes to complete. The questionnaire is now live, and residents are encouraged to submit their responses before 9am on Friday 3 February. To fill out the questionnaire, click here: Wiltshire Police home security questionnaire.

For further information about home security please visit the Wiltshire Police website.