Wiltshire Council is in the process of developing a Cultural Strategy for the county.
The 2024-30 Culture Strategy for Wiltshire will aim to place culture and creativity at the heart
of Wiltshire’s economic and social future, and this can only be achieved through a distinctive
vision and plan created with the broadest possible range of views.
For Wiltshire Council, culture is a multifaceted concept, built around five key themes:
Economy – Culture is a central pillar of our approach to economic development,
regeneration, and the development of vibrant local communities. It helps us re-imagine the
way in which people engage with their towns and encourages long-term and sustainable
businesses on our high streets.
Identity – Culture connects people with the places they live. It helps us discover more about
our environment, its history, and its heritage. It also teaches us about ourselves, and our
connection with our County.
Tourism – Culture is also a key component of our offer to visitors, both from the UK, and
further afield.
Health and wellbeing – Culture contributes to both mental and physical health. It helps
people get active. It stimulates minds, and encourages healthy, active, and engaged
Community – Culture brings communities together, whether it’s through village fetes,
community fairs and festivals.
Good access to culture forms part of Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan under its mission of
wanting “Wiltshire to be a place where we all live well together.”
As part of the development of Wiltshire’s Cultural Strategy, the council will be engaging with
a range of stakeholders within the council itself as well as arts and cultural organisations,
town and parish councils, artists, businesses, and other relevant organisations to ensure a
collaborative approach, ownership of the strategy and to help shape its contents.
Wiltshire Council has commissioned FEI UK to develop this work, which is being part-funded
by Arts Council England.
A link to the online public survey is available below to complete from 19 February until 24
March to gather as many views as possible. Paper copies will also be available in libraries.