
Local Transport Plan consultation and Wiltshire Local Plan

Local Transport Plan consultation has begun 

The Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) consultation is now live and runs until 23:59 on Friday 24 January 2025.

LTP4 covers the period 2025-2038 and will set the direction for all transport in Wiltshire, including road safety, highway network management and enhancement, car parking, buses, rail, walking and wheeling, freight, electric vehicles and more. It will set out how the county’s existing transport infrastructure will be improved in the coming years.

To enable people to find out more about the consultation and to ask questions, people can sign up for the following information webinars:

  • Tuesday 3 December at 6pm
  • Monday 13 January at 6pm

Both webinars will have similar content, so if people can’t make one of them, they are encourage to sign up for the one they can attend.

Physical copies of LTP4 are available in Wiltshire Council hub and libraries, and people can respond to the consultation online in any library with computer access.

Take part in the consultation and sign up for the webinars
Council submits Local Plan to Secretary of State for examination

Wiltshire Council has officially submitted its Local Plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination.

The examination process will assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements and if it is sound.

The Local Plan outlines the vision and framework for housing, infrastructure, and employment land growth to 2038. Once adopted, it will become the key document against which all planning applications in Wiltshire are assessed, making it the most significant place-shaping tool for the county.

The council previously held a Regulation 19 consultation on the Local Plan in autumn 2023. More than 10,700 comments from thousands of respondents were received during the consultation. These responses, along with the Plan, will now be considered by the independent Planning Inspectorate.

Find out more about the Local Plan