Monkton Farleigh Parish Council Meeting
Monday 5th June 2023
7:00 pm at the King’s Arms Pub
Those attending: Ele Warrington (Chair), Brian Marlow, Andrew Tucker, Joy Spiers, Jane Ghali (Clerk)
- Apologies for Absence – Pauline Adams, Rachael Macdonald, Tom Firbank. There were no Declarations of Interest.
- Planning Application No: PL/2023/04121. Application Type: Listed building consent (Alt/Ext). Proposal: To install 14 solar PV panels across two different roofs. Site Address: Paddock House, 8 Farleigh Wick, Bradford on Avon, BA15 2PU. There were no objections.
- Councillor email addresses – it was decided that the Councillors were happy to keep their personal email addresses for now to receive PC business. If any of the PC wanted to send an email, not using their personal email, it would be done through the Clerk using the PC email address. JG to confirm to NetWise and to request a Standard Tariff, instead of a Premium Tariff to reflect this. Action JG
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 12th July at 7pm at the Village Hall