15 May — 28 May 2022
Dear friends
Revd Angela Tilby can be a very controversial figure, but she wrote an article in the Church
Times that I think we can all relate to. She writes:
Those who follow the career of the detective Hillary Greene (creation of the crime writer Faith
Martin) will understand the attraction of a canal-side walk through Thrupp, on the River Cherwell.
Hillary lives on a canal boat, The Mollern, while solving crimes in Kidlington nearby.
Last Saturday, meeting with friends for coffee and lunch, we walked through sun and showers
along the towpath. North-west from Annie’s Tea Rooms, we stumbled on a hidden treasure; Holy
Cross, Shipton-on-Cherwell. We entered the church through an open door, and found a medieval
interior restored in Gothic-revival style.
Light streamed from the east windows, drawing our eyes to the sanctuary and the altar.
Everything was spectacularly clean, tidy, and well-ordered. Near the entrance were attractively
produced service booklets for Sunday morning services. The annual parish report of the previous
year was on display for all to see, as was the parish paper and a reminder to pray for all who had
died from Covid. Hand sanitiser was in abundance and outside the porch, a bowl of water for
visiting dogs.
This was a parish church that signalled that the two things that matter most are worship and
welcome. Anyone could find sanctuary here, and if they wished, find signs of faith, silently
proclaimed. I later discovered that services are held on only two Sundays out of four, yet to me,
the church was alive and breathed community, service, and uncluttered holiness.
The Church of England is an incarnational Church, proclaiming and finding God in the physical
and material realities of people’s lives. There may be other ways of “expressing” church, but we
must always be discerning. Even the freshest of expressions is likely to go off – a sell-by date is
implied by the very name. We are part of a fickle society that craves spiritual experience at the
same time as it becomes more secular.
What the parish church has to offer, has become counter-cultural. It is costly to prioritise place,
continuity, and landscape. It takes sacrifice and loving service from volunteers and clergy. Yet
parishes are where generations continue to learn the habits of worship and service, bringing to
God not only their own joys and griefs, but also those of their neighbours and the world beyond.
There is an initiative called Save the Parish that has been launched to ensure that parishes
remain central to the Church’s mission. Without the parish church, we lose our roots and even
more of our relevance. My fee from this article will go to the PCC of Shipton-on-Cherwell, with
love and grateful thanks, for keeping open a portal to the Kingdom, both within and beyond.
There is something very special, very profound, very spiritual, experienced by those who come
into our own churches, often unseen. May our churches long remain open to welcome and
nurture those who enter. May God bless you, for all you do to ensure that our churches continue
to be a portal to the Kingdom.
Ann, Rector
Upcoming Services
Sunday, 15th May – Fifth Sunday of Easter
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall, joint with Monkton Farleigh Bernard/
10.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley Paul/Harold
Sunday, 22nd May – Sixth Sunday of Easter
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh, joint with South Wraxall. Keith C/
10.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley. Ann/Pippa/Vernon
10.30am Refresh at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon Rachel/Tricia
Sunday, 29th May – Seventh Sunday of Easter (Day after Ascension Day)
10.00 Benefice Service with Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall Ann & Tessa/Keith B
Wednesday, 1st June
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon Tessa
Sunday, 5th June – Pentecost
10.00am Queen’s Jubilee Service at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh Keith C/Keith B
10.00am Queen’s Jubilee Service at St Nicholas, Winsley Ann/Gerry/Geoff
10.30am Queen’s Jubilee Service at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon Tessa/Harold
4.00pm Queen’s Jubilee Service at St James, South Wraxall Ann & Paul/Keith B
Events and Notices
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Caroline Brydon (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on the 29th May
Please email any relevant contributions to Caroline at by Tuesday 24th May. You
can read the full version (4 pages) on our website at
If you would like an electronic version of NewsLink or
require a hard copy, please email or leave a message
for Caroline at the Benefice office on 01225 865046.
Christian Aid Week 15th – 21st May
Please note that there will be NO door-to-door collection
this year. Many people in Winsley are regular donors, so
I would hope that everyone who wishes to donate will be
able to do so on line at
If you do not have access to the Internet, please feel
free to contact me on 01225 713714. Please continue to
support this great charity which is doing so much good.
Thank you
Alison Wells
St Nicholas Churchyard Spring ‘Clear-Up’
Saturday, 21st May 10.00am till Midday
If you could spare an hour or two on the morning of the
21st May, it would be greatly appreciated. Even better if
you could bring with you the odd wheelbarrow, rake,
pruners, etc. Mid-morning refreshment will be available
in the church hall. Many thanks! Bob Williams
Queen’s Jubilee at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh
St Peter’s will be filling the church with flowers and music. Our special thanksgiving service on
Sunday 5th June will be accompanied by a ‘Crown Trail’ for children in the churchyard and
maybe a pop up cream tea if the weather holds. Come and enjoy the celebrations with us!
Rachel Exley
Queen’s Jubilee at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon
We plan to celebrate the occasion in the churchyard on Thursday 2nd June 2:00pm – 4:00pm
(please note the date change from Friday 3rd June) with an afternoon of cream teas, plant and
book stalls, children’s fun activities and other surprise activities. We are planning to plant a tree
as part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. We will also be
officially launching The Future for Christ Church projects at the event.
Volunteers urgently required to help with teas, stalls and bake scones. If you can help please
contact Hilary or Stephen Pike on 01225 782537 as soon as possible. Thank you.
Stephen Pike
Queen’s Jubilee at St James, South Wraxall
Thursday 2nd June, 3pm onwards Everyone is invited to help decorate the church with
red, white and blue flowers, flags and bunting
Saturday 4th June 2-5 pm South Wraxall House. All invited to an afternoon of children’s
fun and games. Please bring your own afternoon tea and picnic rug, there will be tea and
soft drinks available. Dressing up encouraged, see below for more information.
Sunday 5th June 12.30 for 1pm start Road outside the church. Tables will be set up to
host ‘The Big Jubilee Lunch’.
3.30pm for 4pm start St James Church A celebration service of singing and village
memories, all welcome! 6pm at The Longs Arms – All welcome including children, to a
village party to finish off the Jubilee celebrations. For tickets, contact details and full
information on these events click here
Queen’s Jubilee at St Nicholas, Winsley
Friday 3rd June 12.00 -12.15 Bell Ringing. This will form part of the national bell ringing to
mark the Jubilee Service at St Paul’s Cathedral
Friday 3rd June to Sunday 5th June. Come and join us at St Nicholas Church for a
Flower Festival to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubliee with floral displays and
mementoes from the Queen’s reign. The display will be open from 10am-4pm Friday and
Saturday and from 12-4pm on Sunday 5th June. Refreshments available.
Sunday 5th June, the Jubilee service at 10am will include activities, and is particularly
suitable for families. There will also be an opportunity to paint a Jubilee mug to take home.
Refreshments provided.
A ‘Crown Trail’ for the children and adults in Winsley Churchyard until 3pm.
2 – 4pm Celebration Tea with tea and cakes in the Church Hall
Linds Batson
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Bradford on Avon Bell Ringers
On Saturday 7th May, the Bradford on Avon bell ringers took part in the annual Devizes branch
(of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers) 6 and 8 bell striking competitions. The 8 bell was
held at Devizes St John’s and the 6 bell at St Matthew Rowde.
Three teams entered the 8 bell and six teams entered the 6 bell and I am very
pleased to report that Bradford won both competitions – well done David, Phil,
Ian, Harriet, Richard, Rachel, Tim and John; and a big thank you to the three
There was also an additional 6 bell novice competition – four teams took part
which Devizes St John won. It was a lovely warm sunny afternoon, and great
to see so many ringers again in one place following the Covid restrictions –
needless to say ‘tea and cake’ was in plentiful supply throughout the afternoon.
We very much hope the new South Wraxall ringers will be able to compete
alongside us next year. John Sealy
Christ Church Plant Stall – Thank You!!
Our Christ Church plant stall made an impressive £550 for the Future for Christ Church project!!
In case you did not make it there are still some plants available outside 13 Newtown, Bradford on
Avon. Thank you!
Gillian and Dorna
Forest Church
Some pictures from Forest Church last Sunday. We shared the Parable of the Mustard Seed and
then reflected on the story in different ways including sketching, creating birds nests and making
popcorn over the fire in the glorious afternoon sunshine in St James Churchyard. Zoe
Our next Forest Church will be on Sunday 26th June 4pm at Christ Church. All Welcome!
Visitors Book at St Peter’s
In St Peter’s we have restored the position of our Visitors Book, which was sadly closed for two
years because of Covid. It is delightful to see how many visitors we are getting again. In the last
five weeks they have signed from Lancashire, Ottowa, Bristol, Cumbria and Devon, as well as
more local. To know that our small quiet Church is appreciated so far afield is a great blessing.
Carolyn Walker