24 July — 27 August 2022 (Summer Edition)
Dear friends
Last Wednesday, Tessa and I attended the annual Clergy Day at Bryanston School, which is set in
a beautiful campus. It was a real joy to have the opportunity to connect and re-connect with
colleagues and friends from across the diocese. It was also the first time many of us had met and
listened our new Bishop Stephen. One of the themes for the day was
wellbeing and we were encouraged to think about Jesus’s phrase
‘Life in all its fullness’. I wonder what that phrase means for you?
Those of us who have been into our schools towards the end of the
term have seen how weary the staff and pupils were, but our schools
have now closed for the summer holidays, and we hope they are
blessed with time for lots of fun and relaxation. Life in all its fullness
includes study, work, rest and play.
Some of you may be going away during the summer, others may
be caring for children or grandchildren, but I hope and pray that you
have some time for hobbies and interests and especially some
sabbath time, some rest time with God during these summer
months. What is The Sabbath and sabbath?
The origin of the Hebrew sabbat is uncertain, but it seems to have
derived from the verb sabat, meaning to stop, to cease, or to keep.
Its theological meaning is rooted in God’s rest following the six
days of creation (Gen 2:2-3 ).
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he
rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he
rested from all the work of creating that he had done. In the Old Testament. The observance of the
Sabbath is central to Jewish life. For the pious Jew, keeping the Sabbath holy is a mitzvah, or
duty, before God. In the New Testament, the Gospels record six cases in which Jesus’ action
resulted in controversy over the Sabbath, and two more that did not. Jesus faces the accusation
that his disciples have broken the Sabbath by picking grain and eating. He is interrogated about
the healing of a man with a withered hand, a crippled woman, a blind man, and so on, but for
example, the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law seems not to have elicited any opposition. Just how
Jesus regarded how we keep the Sabbath remains a matter of discussion.
The earliest Christians, themselves Jews, probably did worship on
Saturday according to Jewish custom, but they also held Sunday to
be a day of special significance. They called it “The Lord’s Day” and
observed it as a memorial of Christ’s resurrection – a mini-version of
Easter, celebrated on a weekly basis.
These days, we often use the word ‘sabbath’ as a general description
of taking some time out, to set aside some time, time to rest or to be
with God. If you are staying in a different part of the country, find a
church service and enjoy worshipping with the congregation there.
Go for a walk and enjoy God’s creation, or just sit on a bench somewhere quiet and just ‘be’.
Life in all its fulness gives us plenty of scope for adventure, for trying something new, for working,
for loving, for spending quality time with others, for caring for others and for time with God.
Have a very blessed summer. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
Ann, Rector John 10:10
Upcoming Services
Sunday, 24th July
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh, joint with South Wraxall. Ann/Gerry
10.00am Together in Worship at St Nicholas, Winsley. Keith C/Keith B/Geoff
10.30am Refresh at Christ Church, BoA. Cedric and Penny Pierce/Tricia and Music Group
Sunday, 31st July
10.30am Benefice Service with Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall. Please note the
time change this week from the usual 10am. Ann/Keith B
4.00pm ‘Pet Service’ at St Peter’s Churchyard, Monkton Farleigh. See page 4.Tessa/Zoe/Tricia
Wednesday, 3rd August
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, BoA. Bernard
Sunday, 7th August
10.30am Outside Benefice Service with Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon.
See poster on page 4 for more details.Tessa/Zoe/Gerry
Sunday, 14th August
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh, joint with SW. Tessa/Gerry
10.00am Refresh at St Nicholas, Winsley. Ann/Tricia and Music Group
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, BoA. Tim/Harold
Sunday, 21st August
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall, joint with MF. Bernard/Gerry
10.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley. Paul/Harold/Geoff
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, BoA. Keith/Tricia and Music Group
Sunday, 28thAugust
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall, joint with MF. Paul/Keith B
10.00am Together in Worship at St Nicholas, Winsley. Tessa or Ann/Pippa/Richard
10.30am Refresh at Christ Church, BoA. Rachel, Ann or Tessa/Tricia and Music Group
Events and Notices
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Caroline Brydon (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
Funeral and Thanksgiving Services
Tuesday 2nd August – Barbara (Barbie) Fowler
Committal at Semington at 11.30am. Service of
Thanksgiving at St Peter’s Church, Monkton Farleigh at
1.00pm. Ann taking
Tuesday 9th August – Mina Dudley Committal at
1.30pm at Haycombe. Service of Thanksgiving at St
Nicholas Church, Winsley at 3.00pm. Ann taking
Weddings and Baptisms
Wedding of David Sutton and Sally Fowle on
Saturday, August 6th at 1pm at St Nicholas
Church, Winlsey. Tessa taking
Baptism on Sunday 7th August at 1pm at St Nicholas
Church, Winsley. Ann taking
Wedding of Paul Farry and Ashleigh King on Thursday
18th August at 1pm at Christ Church, BoA. Ann taking
Wedding of Marc Jason and Jennifer Van Griethuysen
on Saturday 20th August at 1pm at St Nicholas Church,
Winsley. Ann taking
Yes, we’re back! The bees are buzzing and the temperatures soaring – it’s time for Afternoon Tea. The
church is opening its doors to welcome villagers and visitors to enjoy our delicious offerings in the peace
and tranquillity of the Longs Chapel (and outside if the weather is fair).
We look forward to your company on the following Thursday afternoons to enjoy sandwiches and other
savouries, plus a varied selection of homemade cakes, with tea, coffee and soft drinks:
Thursday 28th July
Thursday 11th August
Thursday 1st September
Teas will be available from 2pm until 5pm. So please, do join us! Bring your family and friends (children
are always welcome) and have a lovely time whilst supporting the upkeep of St James’s Church, South
Wraxall. If you have time to volunteer to help or bake us a cake please ring Valentine Thornhill on 01225
NewsLink and the Benefice Office
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on August 28th to allow for people being away over the
summer. Please email any relevant contributions to by Tuesday 23rd
August. You can read the full version on our website at
If you need any Benefice related printing, Caroline will be in the office on Tuesday 26th July, but
please email her first. Any queries over the summer, please contact Ann or Tessa, rather than
calling the office or send an email if it is not for urgent attention, to the Benefice email above.
Thank you!
Sudanese Bishops coming to St James, South Wraxall
Bishop Hassan from Kadugli and Bishop Ismail of El Obeid, Darfur are
staying as guests in our Deanery following attendance at the Lambeth
Conference. Revd Joanna from Holy Trinity, Westwood and Wingfield,
along with the churches from our Benefice, which together make up the
Bradford area of our Deanery, thought that the visiting Bishops might like
to experience a quintessential English tea in a traditional village church.
Each summer St James, South Wraxall welcome visitors to their church
for such an afternoon tea (see above!) and as the Bishops are here on
Thursday 11th August, it seems an ideal place to invite them, and to invite you to join us.
If you are able to help with baking a cake, providing some sandwiches
etc, please contact Valentine Thornhill on 01225 862552
We look forward to welcoming you. There will also be a prayer evening
with the Bishops at St Katharine’s, Holt on Tuesday evening 9th
August at 7.30pm. We will here from Bishop Hassan and pray for
Kadugli, El Obeid and Sudan. Everyone welcome.
Revds Ann and Joanna
‘It’s Your Move’
All the Year 6 children in our Benefice Schools; Christ Church, Winsley and Churchfields in
Monkton Farleigh (and also Atworth), were presented with an ‘It’s Your Move’ book from the
Church as part of a workshop session for each school.
The fun and well –received sessions included a
short video, tie tying, the egg drop challenge,
discussing Secondary School dilemmas and more!
Thank you to Zoe for organising these workshops. It was great for Tessa and I to be with her
and the year 6 pupils. Each year we present all leavers with It’s Your Move: your secondary
school survival guide published by Scripture Union as a gift from our churches. The young
people really enjoy them and find them useful. There are pages on how to deal with homework, making friends, how to deal with bullying, and travelling to a new school etc. and as we
held the workshops a few weeks before the end of term, the young people have chance to
talk to their teachers about anything that concerns them.
If you have children or grandchildren making the move to secondary school this year, do get
them a copy, available from price £3.46
The Ark
Children at the Ark having fun in the pop up sand pit and at their summer picnic
in Sladesbrook Park! Thank you to all the families and the team. The Ark will
meet back at 10am on Thursday, 15th September.