
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting – 4th December 2024

Minutes Uploaded on December 12, 2024

Subject to approval at the PC meeting on 8th January 2025

MFPC Minutes 4th December 2024

Monkton Farleigh Parish Council

Minutes – Wednesday 4th December

Those attending from Parish Council: Ele Warrington (Chair), Jane Ghali (Clerk), Tom Firbank, Suzanne Stansfield, Pauline Adams, Elliot McBryde, Dan Sharp and Frances Longmore.

Other attendees: Liz Watts, Laura Wallace (PCSO) and Police Constable Robert Dentry (Bradford on Avon)

  1. Apologies for Absence: Andrew Tucker, Johnny Kidney and Zoe Tinkler. There were no Declarations of Interest
  2. Election of new Chair – prior to this meeting Ele Warrington had advised that she was resigning as Chair and this would be her last meeting. She was thanked for all of her hard work on the Parish Council and then left the meeting. Pauline Adams proposed that Frances Longmore and Suzanne Stansfield would co-chair the Parish Council, this was seconded by Dan Sharp. All agreed and FL and SS continued as Co-Chairs of the meeting. It was agreed that the co-chair arrangement would be reviewed at the elections in May.
  3. Items from the public – Liz Watts would like to discuss access to the Broadstones play area, but as the PC were going to discuss whether to accept Wiltshire Council’s offer of the transfer of land at both village play areas, it was agreed to leave this discussion to the next meeting.
  4. Minutes of Meeting 23rd October 2024 – agreed and signed.
  5. Matters Arising
  • PA to contact Kirsty Rose to see why speed sign change implementation has been delayed Action PA.
  • JG and EM still need to look at guidelines for domain transfer. Action JG and EM.
  • EM and his son cleaned the back of Farleigh Rise bus stop. It may need repainting. Add to next agenda. Action JG
  • AT to break up salt in green grit bins Action AT
  1. Report from Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) – welcomed PC Robert Dentry who is new to the position in Bradford on Avon, replacing Jen Miller. Flooding in county has been a big issue in last few weeks and there’s another storm due this weekend.

It was also noted that cars are parking again on the zigzags outside the school. The PCSO will keep a look out for this.

  1. Report from Johnny Kidney (absent, sent in advance)

Local Plan submitted for examination

Wiltshire Council has officially submitted its Local Plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination. This is an important milestone in the context of the Government’s proposals to impose vastly increased and unsustainable housing targets on rural counties like Wiltshire (they are proposing an 81% increase in Wiltshire housing numbers). Because Wiltshire Council was well advanced in our Local Plan preparation, we have been able to submit our plan based on the current numbers, prior to the increases being threatened by Government.

The examination process will assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements and that it meets the statutory test of soundness.

The Local Plan outlines the vision and framework for housing, infrastructure, and employment land growth to 2038. Once adopted, it will become the key document against which all planning applications in Wiltshire are assessed, making it the most significant place-shaping tool for the county.

Parish Councillors will recall that the council held a Regulation 19 consultation on the Local Plan in autumn 2023.

More than 10,700 comments from thousands of respondents were received during the consultation. These responses, along with the Plan, will now be considered by the independent Planning Inspectorate.

This is Wiltshire’s most ambitious Local Plan to date. In addition to identifying suitable sites for housing and employment, it introduces bold sustainability policies. All new developments will be required to achieve zero-carbon standards, enhance biodiversity, and include cycling and walking connections.

Local Transport Plan consultation

Alongside the Local Plan, Wiltshire Council is also preparing another significant strategic plan, the Local Transport Plan.

This latest Local Transport Plan (LTP4) sets out the council’s objectives and plans for transport in Wiltshire during the plan period 2025-2038, and is a key document sitting alongside the Local Plan. It covers all areas of transport, including road safety, highway network management and enhancement, car parking, buses, rail, walking and wheeling, freight, electric vehicles and more. It also provides the framework for all other organisations with involvement in transport in the county.

As Wiltshire is a large rural county, the transport needs vary. To ensure the plan is effective for all residents of Wiltshire, the plan is place-led and aligned to the Wiltshire Local Plan, with a focus on three different place types: principal settlements, which covers Salisbury, Trowbridge and Chippenham; market towns; and rural areas.

Physical copies of LTP4 are available in Wiltshire Council hub and libraries, and people can respond to the consultation online in any library with computer access.

To find out more about the Local Transport Plan, to sign up for the online events, and take part in the consultation, please visit:

The consultation began on Thursday 28 November and continues until 23:59 on Friday 24 January

Vaccine survey

Wiltshire Council wants to gain insights into public perception of vaccinations to inform our plans and actions to improve access and raise awareness of their significance and effectiveness.

Healthwatch Wiltshire, the independent statutory body which speaks out on behalf of people who use health and social care services, has been commissioned by Wiltshire Council to explore residents’ attitudes to vaccinations and their experience of receiving them. Questions include:

  • How safe do you think childhood vaccinations are?
  • How clear are NHS communications about vaccinations?

The survey is available until 6 December at

Nationally, children’s immunisation rates have been falling over a 10-year period including the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps and rubella) which is at a 10-year low.

Wiltshire generally has high childhood vaccination coverage, exceeding the national average, however some vaccinations, such as the MMR and pre-school boosters, still fall short of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) target of 95%.

Funding available to increase opportunities and activities for SEND children (Clerk to send this info to the school.) Action JG

Wiltshire Council is offering grants of up to £10k to help increase the number of opportunities and activities across Wiltshire for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND).

Groups, organisations, and individuals to apply for the funding which can be used to fund necessary resources required for clubs and/or activities for children and young people with SEND.

Deadline for submissions is midnight on Monday 6 January 2025.

Applications will be assessed in January 2025.

The small grants scheme was established in response to feedback from parents and is designed to increase opportunities for children and young people with SEND within the local community. The initiative aims to increase access to clubs, activities, and other supportive groups. This approach is in line with the council’s business plan, which prioritises ensuring that children and young people receive the best possible start in life and are included in their community. For information contact: or visit

  1. Playground land at Farleigh Rise and Broadstones – after much discussion it was agreed to take up Wiltshire Council’s offer of transferring land ownership to the Parish Council of the Broadstones play area for £8,725.84. In Farleigh Rise the Parish Council would only like to transfer ownership of the small fenced off area of land where the small children’s play area is situated. The Parish Council understands that this contribution will be £28,049.74. The Parish Council would still be responsible for the maintenance of the zip wire and the climbing field in the adjacent field and this would be written into the new agreement. It is likely that the Parish Council will want the old equipment in the small play area at Farleigh Rise to be removed.

JG to email Craig Campbell at Wiltshire Council with this information and to find out what are the next actions, once agreed. Also to contact other parishes who might have gone through the process about solicitor contacts Action JG

  1. Finances – JG presented accounts for October and November 2024, noting a CIL payment to the PC for £2,715.75 for No 37A development.

Lloyds have sent a letter saying they’re now charging community accounts £4.25 for each account (not sure if this is extra for the savings account too). Also, possibly 7p per Bacs transaction. JG to ask other parishes which banks they use. SS and FL also to look into this Action JG/FL/SS

JG has also enquired about reserves and the PC need to have reserves of approx. 3 months expenditure ie approx. £3,000.

FL investigating clerk’s employment, salary needs to be processed via PAYE. Currently considering service providers regarding set up and monthly admin, including Pensions Regulator notification. Estimates are approx £160 for set up and £140 pa for monthly processing. In addition, we might be able to add on the annual audit for approx £200. Agreed to delegate decision on provider to co-chairs Action FL and SS

  1. Budget/Precept for 2025/26 – budget needs to be amended for CIL payment and possible payments for the transfer of land at play areas. Budget also to include legal costs of transfer and maintenance of these areas. Both budget and precept to take priority for the January meeting. Action JG/FL and SS
  2. Updating standing orders and policies – agreed these need to be reviewed and will keep on agenda.
  3. Work for the Parish Steward – leaves around the village especially on the corner of the street under the beech tree, also brambles on the footpath from Broadstones onto the main road. Agreed that Parish Clerk should purchase 2 bottles of wine for the Parish Steward as a Christmas gift. Action JG
  4. Parish update:
  • Report from Tree Warden – has weeded around climbing frame in Farleigh Rise, has had a couple of responses to tree grant information and is looking to see if it’s possible t put a tree preservation order on the sweet chestnut in the church yard
  • Football goals BroadstonesAction AT
  • Phone box & bus stop maintenance – phone box currently being worked on by Neil Evans. Painting of bus stop lintel opposite pub and painting all of bus stop at Broadstones, now complete – total cost £210.
  • Village noticeboards – Broadstones one now mended (cost £37.50), backing board to church one to be looked at by Steve Calpin in the spring.
  • Zip wire – seat has now been lowered. JG to contact Playdale re invoices as it looks as though we have been overcharged. Action JG
  • Bark & edge maintenance – JG to get quotes and AT to mend edges to climbing frame. Action JG and AT
  • Litter notice for layby near Restore – it’s the layby opposite Blackberries campsite that needs a sign. Agreed JG to order one for up to £25. Action JG
  • Emergency contact hub – JG and Rachael MacDonald (on behalf of Village Hall) met Camella Town from Wiltshire and Swindon Prepared. In case of emergency the Village Hall could be used as a gathering place. There is information in a box in the kitchen. JG to ask Steve Watts and Rachael Macdonald if they would be contacts for the Hub as they are key holders. Action JG
  • Defibrillator Pinckney Green – PA and JG applied for a grant for a new defibrillator at Pinckney Green. PA has also contacted SSE about electricity supply. Wiltshire Council’s Highways has also been informed.
  1. Correspondence received: Planning determined: Application Ref PL/2024/08335 – Bay’s Office, Pinckney Green. Decision Date: 31-10-2024 Decision: Approve with Conditions.

Agreed to pay SLCC membership of £110. Action JG

  1. Parish Matters – lots of fly tipping around Farleigh Rise. People/motorbikes accessing area owned by Restore opposite Blackberries, seems that padlock is being removed. JG to report to PCSO and Chairs to write to Restore. Action JG/FL/SS
  2. Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 8th January 2025.