MFPC Minutes 23rd October 2024
Monkton Farleigh Parish Council
Wednesday 23 October 2024
Those attending from Parish Council – Ele Warrington (Chair), Jane Ghali (Clerk), Andrew Tucker, Tom Firbank, Suzanne Stansfield, Pauline Adams, Elliot McBryde, Dan Sharp and Frances Longmore.
Other attendees: Zoe Tinkler (Tree Warden), Craig Campbell (Wiltshire Council – Streetscene Area Manager) and Adrian Hampton (Wiltshire Council – Head of Highway Operations)
- Apologies for Absence – Johnny Kidney, Laura Wallace, Liz Watts
Declarations of Interest – Andrew Tucker and Tom Firbank regarding the Bays Farm Planning Application.
- Craig Campbell – Streetscene Area Manager to discuss Farleigh Rise and Broadstones playground land transfer from Wiltshire Council to the Parish Council – (Also attending – Adrian Hampton).
‘WC (Wiltshire Council) has allocated £603K of one-off funding to replace or refurbish 25 rural play areas in Wiltshire, aimed at supporting the transfer of these assets to the respective parish council’.
Monkton Farleigh PC has been offered £8,725.84 for the freehold transfer of land at Broadstones play area and £28,049.74 for the land around and including the play area at Farleigh Rise. If the PC accepts this offer, it would then be responsible for the land ongoing: mowing, maintenance of trees, installation and maintenance of play equipment and fences/gates, play area inspections, bin emptying, insurance etc. Plus, all the legal fees involved in the initial transfer. If acceptable this transaction must be completed by 31 March 2025. The money doesn’t have to be used on each play area specifically.
The PC have the option of just taking on the play areas and not the rest of the in land at Farleigh Rise and still receiving the money by taking on a 25–125-year lease from WC. If the PC don’t take on the play areas, then WC will remove all of their play equipment and will maintain the land as ‘open space’. How the ‘open space’ is maintained over time may change (it’s currently mown 8 times a year), with more areas likely to be left as meadow grass. WC offer no guarantees to how the open space will be maintained over time.
If the PC owned the freehold and decided to build on the land then WC has a covenant which would mean that they would need to be paid an amount. If the PC don’t take on the land, then WC might decide to build on it at some point.
There was much discussion about all of this, but no decision. A further meeting will be held by the PC, so that a decision can be reached by the deadline of 4th November 2024. JG to get a quote on mowing costs and SS to look at insurance premiums. Action SS and JG
- Items from the public – none
- Minutes of Meeting 11th September 2024 – need to add that noticeboard in Broadstones was reported broken to minutes 11th September 2024
- Matters Arising – all on agenda
- Report from Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) – not attending
- Report from Johnny Kidney – not attending
- Planning Application No: PL/2024/08335. Application Type: Full planning permission. Proposal: Retention of alterations to design of building previously approved, and change of use to a dwelling (Use Class C3) rather than an office. Site Address: Bay’s Office, Pinckney Green, Farleigh Wick, BA15 2EG – PC supported application with no objections. Action JG
- Litter around Farleigh Rise – EM reported an increase in letter around Farleigh Rise especially around the parking ‘layby’ near Restore entrance. JG to look at ‘off the peg’ signage that might be available. Action JG
- Finances – JG reported that there was currently £11,085.17 in the account. Interest of approx. £8 per month was being earned on the savings account.
- Wiltshire EV charging survey – discussed survey questions, JG to complete online on behalf of PC, also to check if survey should be sent to residents. Action JG
- Renumeration survey – discussed survey questions, JG to complete online on behalf of PC. Action JG
- Work for the Parish Steward – leaves and anything else that needs doing. JG to add to sheet. Action JG
- Emergency Contact Hub – JG to meet with Rachael Macdonald and Wiltshire Prepares to discuss the Village Hall as the emergency hub and what the PC might need to do to prepare. Action JG
- Defibrillator Pinckney Green – JG has tried to compete British Heart Foundation grant application, but there are many queries about the questions they ask. PA to help. Action PA and JG
- Parish update:
- Report from Tree Warden – still to send out survey about tree grants. Action ZT
- Football goals Broadstones – now made, just need installing Action AT and TF
- Phone box & bus stop maintenance – Neil Evans said he should start work on the by w/c 4th November
- Gutter upgrade in Farleigh Rise – EW has contacted Selwood Housing, they are waiting for bat surveys then will meet EW on site to discuss colours of gutter upgrade. Action EW
- Stiles and footpaths – nothing to report on progress of scan for services on entrance to footpath between Church Farm House and Church
- Grit bins – JG checked them all prior to winter season, most have a reasonable amount of grit. Salt in green ones has gone solid. AT to break up. Action AT
- Village noticeboards – Broadstones one broken and church one needs the backing changed. Steve Calpin offered to do them, but currently unavailable. Quote to mend Broadstones one approx. £40 if not rotten by Guy Collins. Agreed to mend this one asap as urgent. Action JG
- Zip wire – residents complained seat too high, JG to measure and get back to Playdale again, but it’s likely to be within 120cm limit. Action JG
Bark needs topping up – JG to get quotes. Action JG
Edge maintenance of climbing frame – needs mending in a few places AT to have a look. Action AT
ZT kindly offered to pull out weeds from area beneath climbing frame in Farleigh Rise. Action ZT
- .gov domain – website now has new domain name. JG to action email. Website needs checking against issued government guidelines. Action EM and JG
- Correspondence received
- JG attended LHFIG meeting Kirsty Rose said road signs now wouldn’t be done until the Spring due to road markings. EW to follow this up Action EW
- Concern from The Villa about ash tree on A363 which was marked for felling but not done. Thought that tree might be on private land an they should report to Wiltshire Council.
- JG has lots of to do’s currently – DS offer to help with changing name on bank forms for vice chair from Brian Mardon to Andrew Tucker. FL to help with defibrillator page on website. Action JG/DS and FL
- Parish Matters
- Graffiti at Farleigh Rise bus stop – EW and EM to see if they can scrub it off as the bus stop has been painted with anti-graffiti paint. Action EW an EM
- Concern that personal emails of PC on website – JG to check and remove. Action JG
- Parking improved at Church service – thanks to TF and churchgoers
- Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 4th December at 7pm in the Village Hall