MFPC – Minutes 22 February 2023
Present: Eleanor Warrington, Andrew Tucker, Pauline Adams,
Rachael McDonald, Brian Marlow
Parishioners: Carolyn Woods, Eric Woods, Martin Gledhill
- Apologies for absence had been received from Joy Spiers, Tom Firbank and Jane Ghali (clerk). There were no declarations of interest.
- Matters Arising
- Play area at Farleigh Rise – all work complete. Thank you, Andy.
- Prices of signage have been determined and circulated by the clerk.
- WALC meeting – Ele was unable to attend as planned.
- Jubilee poster is still outstanding.
- The footpath issues including broken stiles and steps at the bottom of the churchyard – Ele has raised them with the Cotswold Wardens and hopes to meet the Chair of the organisation shortly,
- Grit bins – council have been notified that they need refilling.
- Potholes – Parish Steward is working on them, he was in the village today.
- Best Kept Village competition – agreed not to enter.
- Village Fete
The parishioners attending wished to raise the profile of the Village Fete to be held
in the Manor Grounds in June. After discussion it was agreed that the best ways of
bringing it to the attention of villagers are via a leaflet drop, WhatsApp, and word of
mouth. As members of the Parish Council will shortly be doing a leaflet drop about
the Litter Pick, it was agreed that they would circulate one for the fete when
Raffle prizes, bottles, etc will be needed.
Expressions of interest to
- Coronation celebrations
Carolyn Woods explained that she feels that the village should be doing something momentous.
After much discussion it was felt that if someone would come forward to run an
event then the Parish Council would be supportive, as they would with the provision of a memento.
Bunting should be put up as we had for the Platinum Jubilee and more needs to be purchased. Action: Clerk
The Village Hall are running a Bring and Share tea on Sunday 7th May.
- Report from Johnny Kidney – none available.
- Planning Application for 66a Monkton Farleigh. This was unanimously supported.
- Speed Limit update – no further information at present.
- Noticeboards
- these need collecting from Steve Calpin Action: Andy
- it was agreed that they could be stored in the Village Hall shed prior to installation.
- Neil is happy to install them but will need to look at them to see what is required.
Action: Andy
- Steve is willing to change catches on existing boards.
- Postman retiring at the end of March.
It was unanimously agreed that Kim has given such good service to the village for
many years that it would be appropriate for him to be given a gift.
There is a good photo of Kim which was taken during lockdown. Chris to be
contacted for a copy which will then be framed. Action: Rachael
He would also be given a bottle of ‘fizz’ and a card. Action: Rachael
The sorting office to be contacted to see which is his last day doing a delivery to the village so we can arrange a presentation. Action: Rachael
- Finance
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting and was unanimously agreed.
It was felt that a playground update at Farleigh Rise should be looked into, and
whether there are grants available. Action: Ele
Some time ago we had talked about installing goalposts into the grass section of the playground area in Broadstones, being mindful of the access required for the council mowers. Edward Webb from DBD Play had suggested looking at Matt Midlane to be approached for advice. Action: Rachael
- Work for Parish Steward
- it has been reported that ice forms on the bottom street where water runs off from the Manor gardens. To be put on the next agenda. Action: Clerk
- leaves in bus stops
- graffiti on road signs
- usual work
- the hedge by Beck’s stable on the road out to the A363 is overgrown, Becks to be approached. Action: Pauline
- Litter Pick 12th March
Flyers needed asap for delivery Action: Clerk
The following offered to distribute them:
Broadstones Ele
Pinckney Green Pauline
Farleigh Wick Tom
Farleigh Rise Brian
Street & round block Rachael
Streetscene at Wiltshire Council to be contacted re collection of rubbish bags.
Action: Rachael
Matt & Mary Midlane to be asked if they would be willing to makes teas and coffees
Action: Rachael
- Community Governance Review – the process continues.
- External meetings – it was agreed that someone would attend if possible.
- Dates of meetings for 2023 agreed, 29 March, 10 May, 12 July, 9 August, 13
September, 8 November, 13 December, all to be held in the Village Hall.
- Parish Matters
- the broken down by wall by 1 Broadstones is getting worse, Selwood Housing to be reminded that they said they would repair this. Action: Clerk
- Date of next meeting – Wednesday 29th March 2023 in the Village Hall