The Hall is regularly used by both village groups and private hirers. It is an ideal venue for parties and meetings. For more information on hiring the hall, charges and availability please contact Steve Watts
Email mfvillagehallbookings@gmail.
Monkton Farleigh Village Hall was opened in 1925 after the land was given to the village by Sir Charles E. Hobhouse and the building was erected by volunteer helpers. A small kitchen and toilets were added in the 1950s and then replaced in the early 1990s. It became a registered charity in 1983 and is run by a volunteer management committee. Registered Charity Number 285145.
It is situated opposite the School and has a car park and an attractive garden. There is disabled access via a tarmac path across the car park and ramped access to the main door, and there is a disabled toilet. The kitchen is fully equipped. The Hall can seat approximately 50 people at tables and is licensed for up to 90 people.
The committee run regular fundraising events and welcome new members wishing to join the committee.
The Management Committee for is as follows:
Malcolm Burns 32 Broadstones, Monkton Farleigh 01225 858492
Rachael McDonald 63 Monkton Farleigh 01225 859534
Di Dobson 41 Broadstones, Monkton Farleigh 01225 851176
Steve & Sally Magee 14 Broadstones, Monkton Farleigh 01225 850887
Steve Watts 36 Broadstones, Monkton Farleigh 01225 852284