Message from Carer Support Wiltshire:
CSW is a registered charity providing free services of support , training, and respite for unpaid carers pf all ages in Wiltshire.
We have a big event coming up, our annual Carers Rights Day Expo.
Held at the Civic Centre, Warminster, Friday November 22nd, 1pm – 6pm; this event brings together experts from local government, social care, financial and legal services, healthcare, nonprofits, and other local businesses.
The event aims to equip unpaid carers (of which we have 12,860 registered with us in Wiltshire) with the information and support they need to better manage their caring responsibilities.
There will be presentations, workshops, and a local business ‘hub’ for attendees to browse.
This is a free event and open to anyone wishing to seek further advice, support of guidance with their caring role.